(i particularly like the trousers bit !
ok, to get back to Mike's topic: i'm back living in France now and to put it briefly there's two categories of water here: 1 and 2
1 is 'trout waters' (trout and grayling), generally but not exclusive to mountain areas.
2 is everything else. in rivers it will be downstream from Cat 1
Cat 1 closed to all fishing from the end of september to march.
Cat 2 is open all year with the exception of predators (pike, perch bass, zander) which closes during their reproductive period.
i love trout fishing but any fish is a good fish so, with the exception of zander and grayling (i don't like them, they look ugly and stupid
) i have the opportunity to target lots of other fishes throughout the winter. and then there's the Mediterranean an hour away
i also do part-time surveillance work at a trout fishery (stocked rainbows and browns) in exchange for year round fishing rights so i get to fish for trout all year after all.....