I have several bags full of "cat dubbing"
Best cat I had for dubbing was a Noreweign Forest Cat.
Its underfur was very much like that used for Iron Blue duns, but finer, so you could get great, slim bodies.
Its guard hair was spiky and heavily barred so made fantastic "buggy" nymphs, in dark, medium and light, depending where you brushed the fur from.
NFC have fur on the pads of there paws, and its very much like the stuff used for wings on Klinkhammers, hacing a natural water repelancy.
Its belly fur was almost white and grear for "breathers" on buzzer patterns.
Unfortuantly I have a useless black cat just now..although it does provide material for buzzer bodies..sometimes..if I can catch it!!
If I can find a pink cat, then I will be happy as I will have duping for my grayling bugs