From talking to many people of late, it occured to me that many moons ago and for many years, i have tied flies for people to their own requirements. Until this year i've never really thought seriously about Salmon and Sea-trout, so a lot of the advice kinda passed me by (but it was squirreled away
However with having the Ythan literally at my back door and most of the trips i have managed this year in between everything else, i've been actively pursuing Salmon and Sea-trout, with some success
So my winter projects for this year are to use lots of the advice and ideas i've picked up and then tweek the to suit me, hence the requests for small silver and gold doubles the other week (i'm still waiting for delivery so we have yet to see about those
The first of my own patterns for the winter, just left the vice
Its basically a sparse Invicta style,spidery,low watery, unusual bird kind of thing. I've done the Teal/blue and silver and a dunkeld in a similar vein, but not in the right proportions quite yet to justify a few piccies (hooks are too big
). This one however is about right
although it needs to be shrunk 2-3 sizes for the water out back. I'm sure its all been done before, but a wee series of similar patterns are my plans for the winter.
For those interested, this is the Black Grouse.
Hook is a size 11 Salar gold double (could do with being a proper 14)
Beard hackle is Black arctic fox,
underwing/tail is Yellow arctic fox
Wing is Black Grouse hen tail in a paired slip
Cheeks are Jungle cock.
No-body, just the colour of the hook and a sparse wing and hackle.
Hopefully just enough flash with lots of movement.
Simple but rather effective, i think most traditional sea-trout flies can be adapted to the style, just pick your favourite and vary the size of the hook