Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Mike Barrio

Hi folks :cool:

Norm, "IrishFloatTube" on the Fly Fishing Forums, has asked if we can help with a problem that is surfacing in the Irish Midland Lakes area. It appears that there are moves to ban float tubing on these lakes and it would be a great pity if we were to lose the opportunity to float tube in that beautiful part of the world.

Although as Scots, it is certainly not our place to go bounding in shouting about freedom of access etc etc ...... I do feel that a courteous email to the responsible parties involved voicing our concerns as tourists would not go amiss?

I will copy Norm's post on FFF below and will include a link to the post.

Best wishes

"Action required to stop moves to ban float tubes on Irish Midlands lakes"

It came to my notice that a decision was made that float tubes are banned on the Irish midland lakes.
That would include Sheelin, Owel, Ennell, and several others.

On enquiring with the Central Fisheries Board I was referred to the Shannon Region Fishery Board over those lakes who said it's not decided yet, but they are considering the matter and will let me know when the decision is made.

Bearing in mind the fait accomplais aspect to their suggestion "that I get back later" - now is a good time for anybody who has float tubed these lakes during their holidays, or anyone planning to do so, to let their wishes be known on this subject to the Shannon Regional Fishery Board. The CEO is Eamon Cusack, and the Assistant CEO is Sean Ryan. Their email is

It is probably a good idea to copy any representations to the Central authority too. Their CEO is Ciaran Byrne and his email is

Maybe you might let me know by PM if you made a representation as I will be talking with the people involved over the coming week, and it would be helpful for me to be aware of who has contacted who and said what!

This is a matter where a reasonable numbers of correspondence showing polite expression that you are interested in float tube fishing in Irish waters while on holidays may produce the result that you will still be entitled to do it later.
The right amount of feedback from float tube users now will affect the outcome positively.


Mike Barrio

Hi folks

I sent an email this morning :z16

Best wishes


Hi Mike and all.
My old account seems to be gone, or else I remember the name/password wrong.
So I registered again under IrishFloatTube, but it's still me!

Thanks to everyone who has sent an email or phoned the Regional fishery and Central Boards for helping support for this cause.
It's a lot of lakes that are at stake, as the Shannon system covers 1/5th of Ireland, with both trout and pike lakes being included if this proposed float tube ban goes through unaltered.

Any float tubers who haven't already done so .. . please take a minute to make contact with the people who manage these waters and let then know you fish from a tube, it's safe and enjoyable, and you would like to be counted as wanting float tubing be permitted for the future.

These guys are looking at the past .. big lake boats ... and are not all up to date on the way float tubes are edging their way in as the fishing craft of the future for stillwater angling with the fly. What they need is information that there are a lot of us out there fishing away, our way.



Mike Barrio

Hi Norm :z16

I can't find any of your stuff either, maybe we lost you when I changed over to the new forum software a while back, I did have to sort out a few accounts at the time :oops ..... Welcome back anyway! :cool:

Best wishes


Our concerns have been noted!
The situation has now evolved into something very acceptable.

I enclose a portion of a reply received from a board CEO:
The proposal refers only to three lakes, two of the lakes are bank only fishing, and no boats of any description are allowed on them, I understand they are smaller stocked lakes. The use of floats was restricted on this basis.

The third lake is a highly managed trout lake and the number of boats permitted on the lake is restricted, thus the proposal to restrict float angling is in this context, ie that it would not make much sense to restrict boats and let anyone use floats instead. However I understand the CEO may consider a proposal to allow a float to be used instead of a boat up to a maximum level, ie for example permit 20 units (either float or boat) – however this is a matter for the CEO of this Board.

I understand that float fishing will be permitted in all other waters in the Shannon Catchment, which will allow anglers access to a significant number of high quality brown trout waters. I hope this clarifies ....

This is a sensible and fair conclusion IMO, and a good outcome.
I expect we will see a notice on the SHRFB website sometime soon.

I would like to say a very big thanks to all who took the time to make contact with the people in charge and express an opinion in favour of tubing in Ireland's lakes. You helped to bring this to a good conclusion. Your efforts are very much appreciated.

Best regards


Mike Barrio

Great stuff Norm :z16

Yes, that looks like a sensible and fair conclusion.

I hope that you and many others spend many enjoyable hours on the water and it is nice to think that one or two emails from this neck of the woods may possibly have made a difference.

Best wishes


Latest news:
No bellyboats on Acalla or Pallas, which makes sense seeing as both are shore fishing only.


No bellyboats on OWEL !!!
Stated reason - because it is a boat fishing lake with no shore fishing. (Didn't people used to fish from the railway shore in the past?) Anyway, I can't see the logic in that one.

Mike Barrio

Hi Norm :z16

Off topic sorry ....... but which float tube do you use? I have a Sparton myself and also offer these for folk to use foc at the fishery. I have one of the new Snowbee tubes sitting in a box and will be giving it a try when the water warms up a bit too :wink

What is the float tubing scene like in Ireland? Are there a few "lone" float tubers out there, or is it more popular ..... any clubs?

Best wishes


Hi Mike

My current ride is a Buck's Bags Bullet, which is a vee tube with a medium height seat. Very similar to the Sparton tubes, but the vee is not so sharp in shape.
Tubes over here seem to have caught on much better with pike anglers than with the trout guys. The trout guys are either more conservative, or the competition angling scene with the boats, engines and paraphenalia is more attractive to them than it is to me!
To be honest the tubes are absolutely perfect for pike fly fishing, and the pikers copped onto that fast, and the big windy trout loughs are an endurance test for a float tube if you're new to the game and happen to put in at the wrong end!
They are popping up on some smaller trout lakes in greater numbers in the last few seasons.
No clubs that are for tubes yet, so far it's all individual float tubers dotted around here and there. I've been wondering if it might be a good idea to run a few competitions to draw the guys together a bit more. Didn't do anything about it yet though.
Those recent rule changes on the Shannon watershed suggest it might be a good thing to be a recognised group of considerable numbers, and more difficult to ignore.

Mike Barrio

Hi Norm

I don't think I've seen a Buck's Bags Bullet, I'll do a google and have a look. It's funny that you should mention the conservative/competition angles, I get the impression (could be wrong) that it is a bit like that south of the border, maybe we are just a bit more relaxed up here and simply enjoy being out on the water. It's good to see that you think the numbers are growing :cool:

Maybe some type of unofficial club might be popular, without the politics of committees and paying members? A friendly online place to hang out and discuss all the usual tubing stuff and then organise some "gatherings" just as a fun day out? We have often discussed having competitions up here, but the general feeling seems to be that this might spoil the relaxed atmosphere that we already enjoy at our gatherings. I'm sure you'll have a few ideas up your sleeve yourself already :wink

Best wishes


....  some type of unofficial club might be popular, without the politics of committees and paying members? A friendly online place to hang out and discuss all the usual tubing stuff and then organise some "gatherings" just as a fun day out? We have often discussed having competitions up here, but the general feeling seems to be that this might spoil the relaxed atmosphere that we already enjoy ....

You know what? You've summed it up nicely there!
The tubing guys are a bit more independent, or free thinking, or self confident in their fishing, than are the boat chappies. 
The unofficial club idea is the next logical step, possibly with a forum (not another forum aaargh !!) or something similar for communications to people spread around geographically.

You know Mike, with this conversation you just gave me a(nother) job to do!  :wink

Mike Barrio

Great stuff Norm :z16

A forum type base for the club might also prove useful in the future, in that the number of forum members might help to demonstrate the interest in float tubing within your area?

Anyway ..... best of luck!


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